Tequila Matchmaker Fights Back

Plus: How to Create Your Own Original cocktails

Tequila Matchmaker Seemingly Fight Back Against the CRT in the Media

Cover photo of the WSJ Article

We’ve been writing about the ongoing battle between Tequila Matchmaker & the CRT for a little while now and it seems like they are making a move to clear their name and fight back against the allegations levied against them.

The Wall Street Journal published an article this week outlining the whole ordeal between Grover, Scarlett and the CRT. It starts off by talking about how they came home one day to find their house was raided, with windows smashed, office destroyed, and the building barricaded. It also goes back and recounts the story of Tequila Matchmaker—why they started and the impact of additives in the tequila industry.

What was surprising was the fact that the Sanschagrins claim they were set up. What began as an innocuous request for a tequila tasting turned into a setup orchestrated by Mexico’s tequila regulator. Undercover agents reached out and then later attended a private tasting at the Sanschagrins’ home, gathering evidence that allegedly showed illegal alcohol production. This led to the raid on their property and subsequent accusations, prompting the couple to relocate to Florida.

According to the WSJ article, The Sanschagrins vehemently deny the charges, claiming entrapment and expressing their commitment to their additive-free tequila program. They still very much remain committed to their additive-free certification program. The Sanschagrins continue testing tequilas independently and plan to advocate for transparency in the industry, awaiting the resolution of their legal challenges in Mexico.

But the Wall Street Journal article isn’t the only one being written either. According to the Tequila Matchmaker instagram, there is apparently another one being published this month in Drinks International, that will also speak about this whole situation.

Our Takeaway: Tequila Matchmaker lives on. It seems like Tequila Matchmaker is going to keep fighting back against these claims on all fronts and getting the media involved to tell their side of the story. This battle wont just be in the court rooms, it’ll also seemingly play out in the public eye. The development that they believe it was entrapment and were set up is quite an interesting development and we will keep a close eye on it.

Mastering the Art of Cocktail Creation: Three Methods to Craft Original and Delicious Drinks

Creating unique cocktails can seem daunting at first glance. How do you ensure the flavors harmonize perfectly? I'll share three effective methods that have helped me develop distinctive cocktails for my bar and restaurant.

1. The "Mr Potato Head" Method

The "Mr Potato Head" method, coined by Phil Ward of Death and Company, involves taking an existing cocktail template and swapping out one ingredient for another, much like, well, a Mr Potato Head. For instance, I transformed the classic Saturn cocktail—comprising London dry gin, lemon juice, passion fruit, falernum, and orgeat—into "The Lost Planet" by replacing passion fruit with cashew juice and swapping the London dry style gin for an Argentinian Gin made from Mate. These simple substitution resulted in a delightfully nutty twist on the original, demonstrating how minor changes can yield remarkable new flavors. This method retains the basic structure and proportions of a known cocktail while offering endless opportunities for creativity and refinement.

2. Dressing Up a Classic Cocktail

Sometimes, rather than altering ingredients, enhancing a classic cocktail with complementary flavors can yield stunning results. For example, by infusing strawberries into cachaca, I elevated the traditional Caipirinha into a refreshing Strawberry Caipirinha. This approach maintains the integrity of the original while introducing new dimensions and textures. Similarly, experimenting with infusions—such as apple-cinnamon cachaca for a fall-inspired twist—can breathe new life into familiar recipes without reinventing them entirely.

3. Educated Winging It: Using "The Flavor Bible"

For those inclined to create entirely original cocktails from scratch, "educated winging it" can be immensely rewarding. The Flavor Bible serves as a comprehensive guide to flavor pairings, helping to streamline the process of concocting new recipes. For instance, starting with a base ingredient like Meyer lemons and consulting the Flavor Bible reveals compatible flavors such as honey, vanilla, and coconut. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently experiment with combinations that are likely to complement each other, reducing the trial-and-error typically associated with creating new cocktails.


In conclusion, creating original cocktails is as much an art as it is a science. By leveraging methods like the "Mr Potato Head" approach, enhancing classics, and utilizing resources like the Flavor Bible and reputable cocktail books, you can embark on a journey of endless experimentation and discovery. Whether you're a seasoned bartender or an enthusiastic home mixologist, these methods offer practical strategies to craft cocktails that are not only delicious but uniquely your own.

Explore the possibilities, trust your palate, and enjoy the process of mastering mixology. Cheers to your next cocktail adventure!

Coolest Cocktail I saw this week:

Lucas showcased one of his original cocktails that features a blend of Tequila and Cachaca and sounds like the perfect summer cocktail. Lucas in the description explains that he made this cocktail for his wedding and I thought that was a awesome.

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