Why Tales of the Cocktail is such an important event

Plus: Unmasking the Secrets of Premium Spirits

Tales of the Cocktail: The Beating Heart of the Hospitality Industry

The Infamous Back bar of Erin Rose. A favorite hangout in NOLA during Tales

I just got back from my second Tales of the Cocktail this morning after 1 cancelled flight and an overnight at the Charlotte Airport, still nursing a bit of a hangover and dreaming about the Frozen Irish Coffee from Erin Rose. But what is Tales of the cocktail and what's the big deal?

Tales of the Cocktail isn't your average industry event—it's a whirlwind celebration of all things cocktail and bar. Held in the heart of New Orleans, the birthplace of legendary drinks like the Sazerac and Vieux Carre, this week-long festival draws over 15,000 bartenders, mixologists, and spirits enthusiasts from around the globe.

It's a pilgrimage to the roots of cocktail culture, a reunion of old friends, and a breeding ground for new connections.

The sweltering New Orleans summer heat becomes a backdrop for the intensity and passion that permeates the whole event. It's a reminder of the dedication and resilience required to thrive in this demanding profession.

The biggest liquor brands put on massive parties, each one trying to outdo the next with its sheer scale and extravagance. Other brands get in on the action with pop ups and bar takeovers, but all of them put bartenders center stage to shine.

I got to work two events while I was down there. One with my friends at Lalo Tequila where I made an original cocktail and another event with Shopify where we made original Non-Alcoholic Cocktails.

Tales isn't just about endless parties and flowing drinks (though there's plenty of that). For many in the industry, Tales is an escape from the demanding schedule of late nights and missed celebrations. It's a place where the often-overlooked heroes behind the bar step into the spotlight.

It's a chance to feel valued and appreciated, to be served with the same care and attention that we give to our own guests. The camaraderie amongst peers is palpable, fostering a sense of community and belonging that's often missing in the daily grind.

Beyond the glitz and glamour of the parties, Tales is a catalyst for professional growth. Seminars led by industry legends offer invaluable insights, and networking opportunities abound. It's a place to learn, to connect, and to elevate your craft. In an industry known for its high turnover, this focus on education and mentorship is essential for nurturing talent and fostering longevity.

And nothing exemplifies that more than in the Spirited Awards. Basically the Oscars or Grammys but for the bar world which are awarded at tales. Everything from best bar to best content creator are voted on and awarded.

So, what is Tales of the Cocktail? It's more than a conference, more than a party—it's the beating heart of the hospitality industry. It's a celebration of craft, a testament to resilience, and a beacon of hope for a brighter future. Tales is where the spirit world comes alive, and where the magic of the cocktail truly shines.

And I cannot wait to come back next year.

Beyond the Price Tag: Unmasking the Secrets of Premium Spirits

We’ve all heard the adage, "you get what you pay for." While this hold true some of the time, the world of spirits is a complex one where quality and cost don’t always align (looking at you, celebrity tequilas). So, what truly makes a spirit high quality, and how can you spot a good deal when you see one? Let's dive in.

Ingredients Matter

The foundation of any spirit is its ingredients. Premium spirits typically boast superior raw materials. For instance, a top-tier vodka might be crafted from winter wheat, known for its purity, while a lesser version could use a blend of grains. The same can be said for gin, and the quality of botanicals used in the batch. In the realm of tequila, the agave plant plays a crucial role. Premium tequilas use mature, heart-grown agave, resulting in a smoother, more complex flavor profile.

The list goes on and on, but you get the point—high quality ingredients yield great flavor results, yet this is where most of the corners are being cut.

The Art of Distillation

Distillation is the process of separating alcohol from water and other impurities. Here, technology and craftsmanship intersect. Premium spirits often undergo multiple distillation processes, removing unwanted congeners – compounds that can contribute to harsh flavors. Advanced copper pot stills are often employed for their ability to produce spirits with character. Conversely, lesser quality spirits are usually distilled in column stills, which are efficient but can strip away flavor nuances.

While most brands won’t divulge their distilling methods on their bottles specifically, some will, and this is a good place to potentially find some diamonds in the rough.

If you’re looking to take your research a step further to find a superior quality product at a good price, look for distillers that pay close attention to the distilling process, for example— tequila distillers that still use the traditional tahona method for extracting juice out of the agave plants.

Aging: The Patience Game

Time is a luxury in the world of spirits. Aging in oak barrels imparts color, flavor, and complexity. Premium spirits often spend years maturing, allowing for a harmonious melding of wood and spirit. Cheaper options might be aged for a shorter period or even finished in barrels that previously held other liquids, impacting the final product.

That’s where the pretenders come in with the dreaded additives. Instead of waiting for the aging process to do its thing, they rush the process by adding their own coloring to mimic the aging process.

Beyond the Label: Other Factors

  • Water Quality: The water used in the dilution process can significantly affect a spirit's taste. Premium brands often source water from pristine natural springs.

  • Bottling: Even the bottling process can impact quality. Some premium spirits are bottled at cask strength, preserving the original flavor profile. Others might be filtered to remove impurities, which can affect taste and character.

  • Craftsmanship: The human element is undeniable. Master distillers with years of experience can create exceptional spirits.

Price Isn't Everything

While price can often be an indicator of quality, it's not a foolproof metric. Some premium brands may have inflated prices due to marketing or exclusivity. Conversely, smaller, craft distilleries might produce exceptional spirits at more affordable price points.

The best way to truly appreciate the differences between premium and non-premium spirits is to taste them side by side. Your palate is the ultimate judge!

By understanding the factors that contribute to a spirit's quality, you can make informed choices and discover hidden gems that offer exceptional value.

The Drink of the Summer 2024: The Charro Negro

Wait… is it a Charro Negro or a Batanga…?

If you follow myself, or Lucas Assis, Miss Agave, Cocktails by Hawk, Holy City Handcraft and a few others, You might have seen our videos this week and asked yourself "wait... I thought that was a Batanga?" Or maybe "Are they trolling us?" And the answer is yes, to both lol.

Back when we decided to all post the batanga videos and try to make the BATANGA trend, we got so many people saying things like "Stop trying to gentrify the Charro Negro" or "no! That's a charro Negro!"

And the truth is that they are basically regional names for the same drink. The super easy to sip on bubbly drink with coke and tequila.

So we all took a trip again together and kept laughing about this so we decided to have a laugh with people. At the end of the Day its a great drink and we just decided to poke some fun at the internet.


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